Sunday 20 November 2016

Easy Gluten Free Fruit Cake

If you think I'm done with the Gluten Free recipes then I'm afraid you are mistaken. I have a few more yet to blast from my cake horn before I am done! This fruit cake is a deliciously indulgent GF alternative to the normal fruitcakes that are so deliciously gratifying to nom down on chilly day (or any other day for that matter). You can pick up GF plain flour so easily in most supermarkets these days but ping me if you are struggling and I'll give you some steer. ;-)

Prep time: 20 Mins
Baking time: 70-75 Mins
175g Unsalted butter (Softened)
200g Light Muscovado Sugar
3 Large Eggs
1tsp Vanilla Extract
1hpd tsp Mixed Spice
100g Ground Almonds
1.5tbsp Brandy
150g Gluten Free Plain Flour
1tsp Baking Powder
600g Luxury Mixed Fruit

To glaze
1tbsp Brandy
1tbsp Maple or Syrup

This is a really straightforward recipe so let's get to it! Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and line a 20cm springform tin (base and sides) with baking paper. In a large mixing bowl cream together the butter and the sugar, then beat in the eggs one at a time along with the vanilla extract. Add the mixed spice and ground almonds, give them a quick mix through, then add the brandy. Sift in the flour and baking powder and mix with vigour until evenly combined. Fold through the fruit and spoon the mixture into you prepared tin, evening to the edges. 

Bake in the centre of the oven for around 70-75 mins, until a sharp knife or metal skewer comes out cleanly when inserted into the middle of the cake. When you are happy the cake is baked remove from the oven. Poke holes into the top of the cake then drizzle over the syrup, then the brandy and leave in the tin for around 60 mins to soak in and cool. Carefully remove the cake from the tin, peeling off the paper and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. The cake is done. :-)

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